Boardwalk Study

Millbrook Marsh Boardwalk December 2023
The Millbrook Marsh Nature Center Boardwalk remains closed in certain areas, while staff continue to monitor changing conditions. The Agency recently completed a Boardwalk Feasibility Study Phase II report and will soon kickoff a capital campaign. The Study reported that the existing boardwalk structure has shifted vertically and horizontally throughout its life and that the repair of the boardwalk is not feasible, as the system lacks the foundational stability, and the deck and structural components are nearing the end of their useful life. LAN Associates, the feasibility study consultant, is finalizing the Phase II report and reviewing feedback from the 2023 Key Stakeholder survey; the final report is anticipated to be received in early 2024.In the meantime, CRPR staff continue to monitor conditions and closures at this time.

In 2023, various Centre Region Council of Governments, Centre Region Parks and Recreation, and Millbrook Marsh Nature Center committees have reviewed the draft Boardwalk Feasibility Study Phase II Report and received presentations about the boardwalk and report content. Additionally, COG staff prepared a Key Stakeholder Survey; responses to that survey can be accessed online.

A joint work session between the Centre Region Parks and Recreation Authority and the Millbrook Marsh Nature Center Advisory Committee was held on November 16, 2023, to discuss establishing a capital campaign committee and funding strategy. CRPR staff have reached out to a local fundraising consultant who has offered in-kind services to lead a capital campaign readiness exercise session; the session date and time is to be determined. The exercise will identify strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for the next steps.